Posted on Tuesday, 2 July
On the 15th of June hundreds attended a protest parade organized by Darebin for Palestine. The rally started in Preston marching along High st to Northcote, stopping off at the offices of labor MPs Nathan Lambert, Ged Kearney and Kat Theophanous.
The rally was calling on the state and federal governments to stop arming genocide, to cut ties with Israel and to stand with Palestinians.
Cat Rose, Victorian Socialists candidate for South West Ward in the Darebin Council was one of the speakers.
Cat spoke about the violence that Israel has been inflicting on Palestinians and pointed out our government's complicity in Israel crimes.
“We’re here because the Labor Party has defended Israel atrocities for decades. We’re here because the Labor Party has defended Israel’s murderous crimes in Gaza for months, refuse to call a genocide a genocide and that in the middle of this catastrophe has refused to cut ties with the despicable military.”
Cat referenced that through her time as a nurse she has become painfully aware of Labor’s indifference towards loss of life and suffering.
“We’re in the middle of a health crisis and they prefer to spend money on prisons, police and locking up refugees. They prefer to give billions in handouts to weapons manufactures and fossil fuel companies, than to do something about healthcare, climate action and peace.”
Victorian Socialists is running candidates for councils all across Melbourne – to fight against genocide and for a free Palestine, to fight for governments that properly fund healthcare and public housing instead of weapons manufacturers and fossil fuel companies. Click here if you would like to get involved in one of the many council campaigns, or here if you would like to get involved in the Palestine Action Group.