Council campaign

Victorian Socialists Local Government election campaign

This October, local government elections will be held across the state. 

We need local governments that stand up for communities, and put people before profit at a local level. Councils can also play a role in fighting to get community voices heard on wider issues - we have seen that in recent months with campaigns across Melbourne to try and convince councils to take a stand against the genocide in Gaza. We need councillors with the conviction to take a stand on issues like this.

That’s why Victorian Socialists will be fielding a large team of candidates across as many council areas as possible in October.

Are you able to host a yard-sign advertising a lcoal candidate? Read more here.

We have opened nominations for people interested to stand for council as a socialist candidate. We are calling for supporters across the state to put up their hand to be a candidate. If you would be willing to run on our ticket, or if you know someone who you think would fit the bill, you can nominate yourself, suggest someone else we should contact to consider running, or just get in touch with us to get more information.

If you are a member of Victorian Socialists, you can find out more about the nominations process and submit nominations here.

If you want to do this but are not yet a member, you can apply for membership here.

If you want to help out with the campaign, you can sign up here.

Nominate now


Our movement is fuelled by the energy and commitment of our members and supporters. Sign up to volunteer and help us wage a campaign that can bring socialist politics to hundreds of thousands of people across Melbourne and Victoria. 

Sign up to volunteer


Unlike the major parties, we don't receive financial support from big business or the rich. Any amount that you can chip in will help us to reach more people. 
