Posted on Sunday, 23 June
Lucas Moore, Victoria Socialist candidate for Olympia ward in Banyule Council, spoke to a crowd of thousands at the Melbourne Free Palestine rally on June 9 – week 35 of Israel’s onslaught, and of the protests.
Lucas has a long history of fighting for Palestine. Mai Saif, a leading member of Free Palestine Melbourne, introduced Lucas at the rally and spoke about how they were both founding members of the Students for Palestine on the La Trobe University campus back in 2009.
In his speech, Lucas called out our government's inaction and talked about why they won’t lift a finger to support Palestinians or to stand up to the genocidal Israeli assault.
“Is it because they don’t understand? Is it because they don’t hear us?” Lucas asked rhetorically, before answering his own question: “They hear us”, Lucas said, “but I don’t think they care, they’ve chosen not to care. Because they’re dedicated to capitalism, because they’re wedded to the US alliance, because they support their imperialist system, which is built on competition and necessitates war and bloodshed. And if you do that, if those are your priorities, then everything else is just unfortunate collateral damage.”
Lucas reflected on the years he had been involved in fighting for a free Palestine: “I’ve been involved long enough to remember the rallies for Palestine we had right here 10 years ago. Sometimes we’d be lucky to get two hundred people. Now look at us! Now we’ve got a movement thousands strong, of people who are now 8 months experienced doing what it takes to make change, of organizing rallies, lining up speakers, designing leaflets, printing posters, making encampments, taking direct action”
Lucas also spoke about how Victorian Socialists will be running pro Palestinian council candidates all across the state. Councillors that will do and say what the state and federal governments won’t, councillors that will call this a genocide, councillors that will support Boycott Divestment and Sanctions, and councillors that will fight to shut down the weapons manufacturers that are in a our suburbs.