Posted on Friday, 15 December
Indian trade unions stand with Palestine
Indian trade unions stand with Palestine, rejecting the Modi government deal to send Indian workers to Israel to replace Palestinian workers whose work permits Israel has rescinded. Indian workers stage protests, sit-ins and occupations on International Day of Solidarity.
Arab News reports on pro-Palestine rallies and union actions across India on 29 Nov
Truth Out covers Union opposition to Modi-Israel deal to replace Palestinian workers
People’s Dispatch has more on union opposition to the labour export deal, and reports of Israeli abuse of Palestinian workers

West Australian waterfront workers take action for Palestine
This was the first time in living memory that Australian maritime workers have respected a community picket for Palestine.
- Red Flag covered the action against ZIM Integrated Shipping Services

Wildcat action of Washington bus drivers refuse to transport Zionists to a pro-Israel rally
It's difficult to find unbiased or pro-worker reporting regarding this. Most of the coverage has a Zionist bent, for instance referring to the walk off as anti-Semitic. As many anti-occupation Jewish activists have made clear, opposing Israel's genocide of the Palestinians is not anti-Semitic
Independent UK report on the walk-off
Jewish Voice for Peace has coverage of anti-Zionist Jewish organising in the US
General strike in West Bank, stoppages in Jordan and Lebanon
- Common Dreams covers the general strike in West Bank, and solidarity work stoppages in Jordan and Lebanon
Belgian port workers refuse to load weapons
- People’s World reports Belgian port workers have refused to load and unload weapons going to Israel