Victorian Socialist 2024 Members' Conference


Come discuss Victorian Socialists current work and future campaigns. We'll also be voting on a new constitution, new party officers and a new executive council.

What to expect

We urge all of our members to attend this conference, which will be held at Trades Hall in Carlton. If you haven’t yet, please register on our website ASAP.

The conference agenda will be as follows:

9.40: Registration

10am - 1pm: Vic Socialists campaigning and electoral focus for 2024

(This session will be the opportunity for members to raise any issues or motions about our campaigning or electoral work)

1pm - 2pm: Lunch

2pm - 3pm: Proposed new constitution

3.15pm - 4pm: Immediate campaigning priorities 

4pm - 4.30: Election of party officers and Executive Council

The conference will be followed by a social event.

If you wish to nominate for any officer position or the Executive Council, please email

If you have any questions about the conference, or wish to submit a motion or document for discussion, please also email the above address.

Saturday, 20 January

10:00 am

Trades Hall, 54 Victoria Street, Carlton