Wickrama Koddippuli Arachchige


Djirri-Djirri Ward

Through my active participation in social justice campaigns, I have seen the powerful impact of collective action.

Hi, my name is Wickrama Koddippuli Arachchige, and I have been a proud resident of Oak Park for more than a decade. As a migrant workplace rights activist, I am dedicated to advocating for the rights of all workers, particularly those from migrant backgrounds. I also do volunteer work with refugees and other migrants across Melbourne, ensuring they have the support and resources needed to thrive. 

My children attend local schools, deepening my commitment to making Merri-bek a better place for families. I am running as a Victorian Socialists candidate in this October’s Merri-bek City Council election for the Djirri-Djirri ward because I believe in a society that puts people before profit. I am deeply concerned that politicians at all levels of government have become too cozy with the rich and increasingly out of touch with the people they’re supposed to represent. In a wealthy society like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life. Today, the wealthy are seeing their fortunes grow, while many others are being left behind. Councils have a responsibility to address urgent issues like the housing shortage and the cost of living crisis. 

I stand for a Merri-bek that is inclusive, equitable, and environmentally responsible. I believe the council should prioritise providing essential services like affordable childcare, quality aged care, and safe, clean parks and recreational spaces for everyone. I am committed to ensuring that councillors work for the residents, not for big property developers. Integrity and transparency are paramount, and I will fight to eliminate council corruption. I am also a proud supporter of a free Palestine. Through my active participation in campaigns against racism and for climate action, I have seen the powerful impact that collective effort can achieve. I am eager to bring this passion and experience to the Merri-bek City Council. 

Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant Merri-bek. I humbly ask for your support to help make this vision a reality.