I believe Brimbank residents deserve a neighbourhood free of deadly factory fires and polluted waterways.

Hi I’m Van Thanh Rudd. I’m running in this year’s council election as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe in a society that puts people before profit. Brimbank residents deserve to have their voices heard over those of the rich and powerful.

I've lived in Melbourne's western suburbs for nearly 20 years. I’m a public school maintenance worker, professional mural artist and international award winning children's book illustrator. I have been a volunteer junior soccer coach and referee for clubs in the western suburbs, and I'm also a member of the Australian Education Union.

Brimbank residents deserve to enjoy a neighbourhood free of deadly factory fires and polluted creeks and waterways. For too long, we have seen corporations getting away with dumping toxic waste in the western suburbs, leading to long-term health problems for locals. We need to take power away from real estate developers that treat housing like a commodity rather than a human right. I will ensure that council puts more pressure on state and federal governments to fund more public and social housing projects and to support more affordable, council-run aged care and child care facilities that are sorely needed to assist working families through this cost of living crisis. I will also fight for a society free of racism and scapegoating of migrants and refugees–they are not to blame for the high cost of living and the housing crisis.

I’ve been a community organiser and activist for many years. I’ve been involved in campaigns against racism, for action on climate change and for workers' rights. I have been a Palestine solidarity activist for many years, and recently have been involved with Brimbank for Palestine. We were successful in campaigning for the council to pass a pro-Palestine motion. We've also organised urgent local protests against Israel’s war in Gaza and the family-friendly Solidarity Cup–a soccer tournament fundraiser for Palestine. I believe councils should be a place where these sorts of questions of social justice are raised and acted on.

We can't wait any longer. Change needs to happen, and we can start locally.

If elected in October, I’ll fight for our community and for the fairer world that we need and deserve.