My vision is rooted in the belief that the challenges we face today require bold, collective action and a fundamental shift towards justice and solidarity.

Hi, I’m Saravina. I'm a Box Hill local, and aspiring librarian and teacher's aide. I’m running in this year’s council election as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe in a society that’s more sustainable, more equitable, and just than the capitalist system of today. My vision is rooted in the belief that the challenges we face today require bold, collective action and a fundamental shift towards justice and solidarity.

Politicians at all levels of government are in the pockets of the rich, and have grown increasingly out of touch with the people they’re supposed to represent. In a wealthy society like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life. Today, the people at the top are seeing their wealth grow rapidly, while many at the bottom are being left behind. Councils have a responsibility to help turn this situation around, and tackle urgent issues like the housing shortage and cost of living crisis.

Key Issues I Stand For:

  1. Economic Justice: I support fair wages and workers' rights. It’s time to end economic inequality and ensure that everyone has access to quality education, healthcare, and affordable housing.

  2. Environmental Sustainability: The climate crisis is a global issue affecting people on every level. It's time to tackle that head-on with ambitious policies that prioritise renewable energy and sustainable practices. Our future depends on a healthy planet.

  3. Social Equity: My mission is to fight against all forms of discrimination and oppression. I stand for gender and racial equality and the protection of marginalised peoples.

  4. Democratic Participation: I believe in a more democratic and transparent political system. Empowering ordinary people to have a say in decisions that affect their lives is crucial to building a just society.

I’ve been involved in campaigns against racism, homophobia and transphobia and protests for climate justice. In more recent times, I’ve campaigned in solidarity with the people of Palestine and against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. I believe councils should be a place where questions of social justice are raised and acted on.

If I am elected in October, I’ll fight for to ensure that our policies not only address the immediate needs of our community, but also lay the groundwork for a more equitable future and for the better world that we need and deserve.