Councils have a role to play in improving the lives of ordinary people. They should fight to make housing affordable, oversee an expansion of community services and take a stand on questions of social justice.

Like many young people today, I think the future is looking increasingly tough for young and working-class people. I’m a student and renter in Yarra/Princes Hill who has had to face the cost of living crisis, seen my student debt skyrocket, and like many in this area have had to fight off onerous rent increases. But I don’t think it has to be this way.

That’s why I’m running with Victorian Socialists. While so many are doing it tough, money continues to flow to the top. I think councils have a role to play in reversing this trend and improving the lives of ordinary people. Councils should fight to make housing affordable, oversee an expansion, not a reduction, of community services and take a stand on questions of social justice.

I’ve been part of many campaigns fighting for social justice both on and off campus. I got my start in activism fighting to free the refugees being held in the Park Hotel in Carlton. Most recently I’ve been a part of organising the Palestine solidarity encampments that were taking place all across Australia.

If I’m elected this October, I’ll keep fighting to put people before profits