Councils have a responsibility to fight around issues like the housing shortage, cost of living crisis and questions of social justice.

Hi, I’m Sam. I’m running in this year’s council election as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe we deserve a world that is more sustainable, fairer, and more just than the capitalist system we have today.

I’m a Boroondara local and have lived in the area most of my life. I’m a retail worker and student activist at Monash University where I have helped organise community campaigns against racism and transphobia, as well as the historic student protests for Palestine. I have also been actively involved in union campaigns at my workplace.

Politicians at all levels of government are in the pockets of the rich, and have become increasingly out of touch with the people they’re supposed to represent. In a wealthy society like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life. Today, the people at the top are growing their wealth exponentially, while we at the bottom are being left behind.

Councils have a responsibility to help change this situation, and fight around urgent issues like the housing shortage, cost of living crisis, and questions of social justice.

If elected in October, I’ll fight for Palestine, for regular people, and for a fairer Boroondara.