Privatisation is a disgrace that lets corporate bullies profit from services that should be run for the common good.

Hi, I’m Ruby. I’m standing with Victorian Socialists because I’m angry that big business and developers are running rampant in our community. Someone needs to call out the corporate criminals, and fight for what’s right.

I’m a trade unionist and an anti-racist activist. In my time as an Early Childhood Educator, I ran a campaign for COVID safety against my for-profit employer. I organised the first ever union meetings held at that company, and stood up to threats and intimidation from the bosses. Privatisation is a disgrace that lets corporate bullies profit from services that should be run for the common good.

We face a housing crisis where landlords hoard properties, public housing is knocked down – and we’re told to blame shortages on migrants and refugees. The parasites in parliament want to turn us against one another. But it’s the rich and powerful who need to be held responsible.

Federal politicians are in the top 2.5 percent of earners. I’m a renter and I now work in a public library. I’m proud to be a member of the working class that makes our community run. If I’m elected in October, or if I’m not, I’ll keep fighting for us.