As a socialist and trade unionist I believe that everybody in our community deserves to live with dignity. The cost of living has exploded for working people, and councils have a responsibility to soften the blow.

Hi I'm Owen. I’m 39 years of age. I work in disability support and my wife Katie and I moved back to Bendigo during the pandemic to raise our young children. Coming home after years away has given me a unique perspective on our city, its potential and its challenges. I am running in Whipstick ward because as a socialist and trade unionist I believe that everybody in our community deserves to live with dignity.

Since the pandemic the cost of living has exploded for working people, and from housing affordability to medical costs or the cost of child care, local councils have a responsibility to soften the blow. Yet the current council has decided to cut and privatise council services such as hospital in the home and other homecare services for our elderly to be able to age in place, forcing people prematurely out of their homes while wasting money on silly gimmicks such as turning the Mall into the world’s smallest ice-skating rink at great public expense.

Bendigo residents deserve representatives who understand how difficult it is to find a child care place, who will fight to expand the council funded childcare spaces on offer, you deserve a representative who knows first hand how desperate the housing situation is for both renters and first home-buyers, and will struggle relentlessly to boost housing supply.

Bendigo has the potential to be a great place to live and raise a family for all of its residents, but to realise that dream we need working people to put their hand up to run for council.

Vote 1 Owen Cosgriff for Whipstick ward.