Councils should discuss and act on questions of social justice that affect residents.

Hi, I’m Nathan. I’m running in this year’s council election as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe in a society that puts people before profit.

I’m a Reservoir East local and have lived in the area for 17 years. I’ve worked in IT, and been a member of the Australian Services Union, then of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union. I’ve been volunteering at Foodbank Victoria for over a year, and am looking to volunteer with Reservoir Neighbourhood House. Reservoir Leisure Centre keeps being by-passed on renovations. I'll work to redevelop the Centre’s facilities for residents in northern Darebin.

Politicians at all levels of government are in the pockets of the rich, and increasingly out of touch with the people they’re supposed to represent. In a wealthy society like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life. Today, those at the top are seeing their wealth grow rapidly, while many at the bottom are being left behind. Councils have a responsibility to tackle urgent issues like housing affordability and the cost of living crisis.

I’ve been a socialist activist since 2007, and involved in numerous campaigns. I’ve fought for refugee rights, against racism and fascism and for equal marriage rights. I was also heavily involved in the Save the Preston Market campaign. Recently, I’ve been involved in the Darebin 4 Palestine group, which successfully got council to fly the Palestinian flag.

I believe councils should be a place where questions of social justice that affect residents are raised and acted on.