I believe in a society that puts people before profit, that’s more sustainable, more equitable and just than the capitalist system of today.

Hi, I’m Madi. I’m running in this year’s council election as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe in a society that puts people before profit, that’s more sustainable, more equitable and just than the capitalist system of today.

I’ve lived in Aberfeldie for 20 years. I’m a Dispensary Technician and a member of the Health Workers Union.

Politicians are in the pockets of the rich, and are out of touch with the people they’re supposed to represent. Today, those at the top are seeing their wealth grow rapidly, while many ordinary people are being left behind. Councils have a responsibility to help turn this around, and tackle urgent issues like the housing shortage and cost of living crisis.

I’ve been an activist for many years. My start to activism was the climate movement since 2021, and protesting every week at the Park Hotel to free refugees in indefinite detention. Recently, I organised the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Monash University, and continue to advocate for Palestinian rights. Councils should take up social justice questions and act on them.

If elected in October, I’ll fight for the better world that we need and deserve.