Lucas Moore
Olympia Ward
I’ve lived in Heidelberg Heights most of my life, and I’ve seen how our area is often left without the infrastructure and support we need. We’re suffering from increasing overdevelopment, made worse by council privatising public land and assets like Rosanna library and outsourcing council jobs.
I’m running as a Victorian Socialists candidate in this year’s Banyule council election because I understand that the fight for a better, fairer society begins on a local level. Whether it’s housing, the environment, transport, or quality public services and amenities - it’s the conditions we live in day to day that provide the foundations for a decent life.
I’ve been involved in community organising for over 15 years. I was part of the campaign to stop the demolition of the Preston Market and chaired the recent rallies urging Banyule council to stand against Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
Currently the working-class people of Olympia Ward have no-one on council willing to stick up for them. I want to change that and make Banyule an accountable, transparent and progressive council that delivers for Banyule’s west-side.
What will Lucas fight for?
End the development free-for-all
Renters and mortgage holders alike are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. Meanwhile our neighbourhood is being carved up by developers. Lucas believes local people should come before the profits of big landlords, investors and developers. He’ll fight for tighter regulations on all new developments to make sure they are well-designed, affordable and environmentally sustainable, and stand against excessive over-development.
Real action to reduce housing costs
Housing should be a human right. We need more public housing, support for renters and the homeless, and a housing market that is accessible to all, including the elderly and disabled.
Lucas will campaign for a crack down on vacant investment properties, a cap on rent rises, and a Renter Relief Fund, to assist those facing eviction or struggling with the cost of moving house.
Revamp Olympic Leisure Centre
For too long the public facilities in Olympia have lagged behind other Banyule areas. If elected Lucas promises to act on the shelved community plan to rebuild Olympic Leisure Centre with new modern facilities (incl. new pool and basketball court) and extra community spaces.
The full plan can be viewed here.
No privatising. No selling off council assets
We need more public housing and public open space. Instead the council has been selling off Banyule piece by piece. Parks and public land are being sold off at record rates. Services like rubbish collection have been privatised. Council even sold Rosanna library to Woolworths, allowing them to build a huge shopping centre in the middle of Rosanna and costing council millions of dollars. Lucas will champion keeping public land in public hands and bringing jobs and services back to council.
Act on Climate Change
The climate crisis continues to get worse and we need every level of government to take action. Lucas will ensure new developments meet the highest standards of energy efficiency, establish new local battery facilities, fund more park rangers and fight for net zero emissions.
He’ll also fight to make sure out tree canopy is maintained, and that the well-being of all living things come before the profits of developers.
A Council that Advocates
Lucas has always stood against injustice, racism and Islamophobia. He’ll advocate for a firm position on important issues such as representation for the LGBTI community, treaty and self-determination for First Nations, acting against violence against women, and accessibility for all disabled residents.
Support Palestine
Banyule council took an important stand for peace and called for a ceasefire in Gaza. Unfortunately though it took two passionate rallies and many calls and emails for them to take this basic stand. We need a councillor who is in tune with the issues important to the local community, be they local, state or federal and acts for social justice.
A Council that is Accountable
Too often local residents aren't informed of major changes, like the recent rezoning of most of Olympia. Our current councillors are often uninterested in involving the community, instead relying on the recommendations of bureaucrats. If elected Lucas will hold regular community meetings to make sure locals like you are kept informed of council business.