I’m a community lawyer working in the area of renters’ rights and have spent many years involved in the fight to defend and extend public housing.

I’m a community lawyer working in the area of renters’ rights and have spent many years involved in the fight to defend and extend public housing.

I’m a long-term Merri-bek resident. My kids attend Brunswick North Primary School and I coach my son’s Brunswick Magic basketball team.

I’m running as a Victorian Socialists candidate in this year’s Merri-bek council election because I understand that the fight for a better, fairer society begins on a local level. Whether it’s housing, the environment, transport, arts and culture, or public services and amenities - the foundations for a decent life are made (or broken) in the communities in which we live our daily lives.

I’ve been involved in community organising and activism for more than 20 years. As a rank-and-file member of the Australian Services Union I recently led a social and community services worker walk-out in opposition to the genocide in Gaza. 

If I’m elected to Merri-bek council this October, I’ll fight for you.