I joined Victorian Socialists because we are not just a party that stands for the right things on paper. We are a party of trade unionists, activists and fighters.

Hi, I’m Lewis.

I've lived in Merri-bek since high school and am excited to be standing in the Box Forest ward for the Victorian Socialists.

I've been appalled by the lack of action on the cost of living crisis. Rent, food prices and transport costs keep climbing, and not enough is being done about it. I want the council to use its power to rein in rents, push back on profiteering supermarkets, build more public housing and expand public transport, including duplicating the upfield line. It also needs to offer more subsidised social services so people aren’t forced to use expensive private providers.

I first became political in highschool, horrified by Australia’s involvement in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and our criminal treatment of refugees. I'm now in my 30s, and Australia is still playing a destructive role in the Middle East and still abusing, locking up and deporting refugees. These policies directly affect our community here in Merri-bek and must end.

I've been part of movements to stop climate change, win refugee rights and to free Palestine for years, and I believe council has a greater role to play speaking-up about these issues.  

That's why I joined the Victorian Socialists, because we are not just a party that stands for the right things on paper, we are a party of trade unionists, activists and fighters. Our members organise strikes, pickets and protests and are dedicated to fighting against the rich and powerful.