I’m running with Victorian Socialists because I believe building a better and fairer society begins on a local level.

Hi, I’m Leanna. I've lived in St Albans my whole life, and have seen how our area has been neglected and starved of the resources and support we need. It is a disgrace the people at top continue to enrich themselves while ordinary people question whether they can afford to eat. Councils have a responsibility to help turn this situation around.

That's why I’m running in this year’s council election with Victorian Socialists – because I believe building a better and fairer society begins on a local level. Whether it be affordable housing or expanding local services, councils have a role in tackling the cost of living and improving our quality of life.

I’ve been part of campaigns against racism and local actions against the neo-Nazis in Sunshine. Recently, I've helped to organise student protests in solidarity with Palestine and against our universities’ ties to Israeli apartheid, including the student strikes, solidarity encampments and mass student general meetings. I believe councils should be a place where questions of social justice are raised and acted on.

If elected in October, I’ll fight for our community and for the better world that we need and deserve.