Politicians are out of touch and sycophantically serve the rich. Councils need to tackle urgent issues like the housing shortage.

Hi, I’m Lauren [she/they]. I’m a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I want to be part of a society that puts people before profit. And I believe building a better and fairer society begins on a local level. I’m a Highett local and have lived in this area for 24+ years. I’m a public servant and a proud member of the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU).

The disparity between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ is only increasing. Politicians are out of touch with what the cost of living crisis actually looks like for the ordinary people, while they sycophantically serve the rich. Councils need to tackle urgent issues like the housing shortage. I’m passionate about Palestine, and don’t think it’s someone else’s fight half way across the world; our politicians are complicit in arming and supporting Israel’s genocide. I would bring that activist mentality to how I would take action on a local level.

I’ve been a union delegate and student activist for many years, fighting against racism, homophobia, climate change, and sanding up for workers’ and students’ rights. Councils can and should act on social justice issues.

If elected, I’ll fight for our community to be fairer for those doing it tough.