Those at the top enjoy ever greater wealth, but, as a supermarket worker, I’ve seen first hand that many others are struggling just to get by.

Hi, I’m Kosta and I’m a Brunswick resident and a supermarket worker who has rented in this area for the past 15 years.

In my time here I’ve seen council services and amenities degraded and rents and housing prices skyrocket, putting more and more pressure on the lives of working-class people and forcing many to move elsewhere.

I’m running as a Victorian Socialist candidate in this October’s Merri-bek council election because I believe we need a better, fairer society.

I believe the domination of big business interests in politics is behind many of the problems we face today. Those at the top enjoy ever increasing wealth, but, as a supermarket worker, I’ve seen first hand that many others are struggling just to get by. We need to turn this situation of deepening inequality around.

I’ve been a socialist for almost two decades. In that time, I’ve helped organise community campaigns against racism, for refugee rights and for action on the climate crisis. I’m also a long-time member of the Palestine solidarity movement.

If I’m elected to Merri-bek council this October, I’ll fight for you.