As a councillor, I’ve worked to save and increase public and social housing, improve food security, make our streets pedestrian and cycling friendly, and expand our green and public spaces.

Hi, I’m Jorge.

I am a current Maribyrnong City Councillor. My partner and I raised our two boys in the Footscray area, where we still live. I have been involved in decades of local community work, including social and environmental justice, and advocating for schools to put wellbeing at the centre of student learning.

I was president of the Footscray Primary School Council and on the Footscray High School Council. I’ve also coached juniors and seniors in two local soccer clubs. As a councillor, I’ve worked to save and increase public and social housing, improve food security, make our streets pedestrian and cycling friendly, and preserve and expand our green and public spaces.

I also initiated the council’s discussion to recognise 26 January as a day of mourning and made our council the first in Victoria to adopt the #racismnotwelcome campaign. Last year, I moved the motion ensuring our council was the second in Victoria to condemn Israel’s war on the people of Palestine.

My priority is supporting neighbourhood houses, sports clubs, social enterprises, local action groups and community initiatives. If re-elected, I’ll organise monthly ward meetings and fight to expand council public services, including childcare, health, aged and wellbeing services.

What we’ve achieved on council so far

  • We moved the motion that started the conversation about why January 26 is not a day to celebrate
  • We got Council to adopt the #racismNOTwlecome campaign
  • (street signs & more)
  • We facilitated Council support of the first Vietnamese bilingual kinder program in Maribyrnong
  • We fought for social housing approvals that Labor didn’t want
  • We supported community housing approvals, like the Summerhill Road Co-operative Village
  • We are fighting against Labor’s plans to demolish Gaskin Gardens Public Housing tower on Gordon Street
  • We have sought to adopt permit approvals that encourage developers to provide higher proportions of community housing
  • We have helped communities campaign against polluting industries setting-up operations in suburban streets, like Paintback in West Footscray
  • We worked with community groups to preserve the integrity of Footscray Park and fight to save McIvor Reserve and other green space and gardens
  • We are campaigning with community groups to make it easier for residents to plant their nature strips
  • We are working with a range of community groups to develop a vision for what a people-friendly street could look like, starting with Ashley Street
  • We’ve worked with various organisations to help setup a Maribyrnong Food Security Network and support food relief efforts

Global matters, for local lives

Victorian Socialists don’t hide behind the lie that local government is only about roads, rates and rubbish. Councils have a responsibility to fight for our communities, rather than stay silent in the face of state and federal government decisions that affect us.

  • When the state government refuses to shift truck traffic off suburban roads …
  • When the state government changes planning laws to further favour developers …
  • When the state government won’t improve our bus system …
  • When the federal government further privatises aged support services …
  • When neither federal or state government will do anything to fix our broken childcare system …
  • When both state and federal government use the housing crisis as an excuse to throw more money at developers and pretend the property market will save renters, families in mortgage stress and the homeless …
  • When both state and federal governments continue to put off climate action …
  • When the federal government supports a genocide in Palestine …

All these actions and lack of action effect us locally, they make our lives less liveable, our week-to-week a bigger struggle, and they break down our neighbourhoods and community spirit.

Victorian Socialists fight for a local government that will fight for us - a Council that will stand up to the state and federal government and demand policies that put the public before corporate profits.

What else we’re planning to do

  • Regular community forums in each Ward
  • Support more community greening projects and gardens, and make our streets green and people friendly
  • Support public & community housing for the old Footscray Hospital site
  • Campaign for 10% public and community housing inclusions in large private developments
  • Explore ways Council can put additional charges on developers sitting on un-utilised land or premises
  • Fight for more Council social services and more support for Neighbourhood Houses