My experience has shown me that rights are won not by asking nicely, but by engaging the community, mobilising people and demanding change.

Hi, I’m Jo. I’m a Brunswick resident, health care worker, unionist, single parent, anti-racist and fighter for Palestine. I am proud to be the Victorian Socialist candidate in Warrk-Warrk ward. 

I have been a member of Victorian Socialists since its founding in 2018. I joined because I wanted to be a part of something that was offering a left alternative to the established political parties that, in my view, are letting ordinary people down dismally. 

I’m eager to run in the Merri-bek council elections as I want to shine a much-needed light on how federal and state government policy impacts people in our area. The lack of affordable housing is of particular concern to me. Developers enjoy privileges and subsidies that renters and ordinary homeowners do not. They make millions, while ordinary people struggle to meet rent and put food on the table. I want to hold elected representatives to account on green-lighting property development that does not include space for social housing and green space.

Years ago, I attended a mass organising meeting for refugee rights in the wake of the Tampa incident, which signalled the start of Australia’s cruel offshore detention regime. The racist Howard Government left an indelible impression, and I learnt very quickly that the priority of politicians is to serve the rich and powerful while vilifying refugees and Indigenous people. As a result, I’ve become a passionate fighter against injustice and inequality. I see council as a place for broader advocacy on important issues such as these. If elected, I will campaign for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the siege on Gaza, denounce Labour’s complicity in genocide and campaign that council boycott businesses that profit from Israel’s occupation.

My experience as a long-term activist has taught me that progress is only made by ordinary people taking a stand. It has showed me that we don’t win by asking nicely. We win by engaging the community, mobilising people in their tens and in their thousands, and fighting for it.