Landlords, lawyers, career politicians — I don't believe electing the same class of people over and over again will get us the change we need in society.

Hi, I'm Jayden. After moving to the city from regional Victoria about decade ago to get my software engineering degree, I settled into our Kingston. On the side, I like to help out with a mentor program for kids on the autism spectrum, helping them to learn social and technical skills. I also enjoy a bit of fencing.

Times are getting harder and harder for working people. Meanwhile, most politicians are off chasing surpluses they pay for with yet more cuts to our already crumbling services. They don’t care who relies on them. They don't understand that most of us are more than happy to contribute to services that actually run and work, and do the community a greater good.

But the burden of paying for these services can't lay solely on people who work for a paycheck. The ultra-wealthy, now more than ever, must pay their fair share. 

Landlords, lawyers, career politicians — I don't believe electing the same class of people over and over again will get us the change we need in society.

Only working people will fight for workers, and for those who need a hand. Every other layer of society has an interest in seeing us give a little more, and get a little less in return.