I stand in a political tradition that works towards the improvement of the lives of working people and others left behind, and putting up a fight when they come under attack.

Hi, I’m Henry. I’m running for council elections this year with Victorian Socialists because I believe that we need a radically different sort of politics at every level.

I’ve lived in Merri-bek for a few years now, after growing up on the west coast in Perth. I’ve worked in hospitality since I could work, and been a renter for a decade.

Our governmental bodies rarely reflect those they claim to represent, the deck is stacked against regular people. I stand in a political tradition that works towards the improvement of the lives of working people and others left behind, and putting up a fight when they come under attack.

That means expansion of public transport options, fighting for infrastructure like safe walkability and bike paths. It means using political platforms to amplify community campaigns and calls to action. From shaded bus benches to fighting against privatisation of childcare, to raising the Palestinian flag on council grounds.

I’ve participated in and helped organise vibrant grassroots campaigns for refugee rights, accessible public transport, and advocacy for Palestine. If I’m elected, I’ll use that experience to fight for you.