In a wealthy society like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life. But today, only the people at the top are growing their wealth.

Hi, I’m Dimitri.

I’m running in this year’s council election as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe politics has been run for and by big business for way too long.

I’ve lived in Bulleen for almost a decade. Our community is decaying, and property developers are getting their way every time. As a tradesperson, I can say that the quality of housing has been traded for cheap but extremely profitable houses. Housing is a human right, and it has fallen into the hands of greedy investors.

In a wealthy society like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life. But today, only the people at the top are growing their wealth. Councils have a responsibility to help turn this situation around and tackle urgent issues like the housing shortage and cost-of-living crisis.

I’ve been a socialist for many years. I have stood with Indigenous people in the fight against racism. I have been involved in the fight against the big corporations that are burning up our planet. And now you can find me in the protests in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

It is time we took our society back—and gave more say, power and wealth to the working-class people who make it run.

If elected, I’ll fight for our community and for a council that puts people before profits.