If elected, I’ll fight for our community – starting with tearing down the flood wall and protecting public housing.

Hi, I’m Daniel. I’m running in the council election as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe in a society that puts people before profit.

I’m a Melbourne council local and have lived and worked in the area for 11 years. I work in the community services sector supporting migrants and refugees and I’m a delegate in the Australian Services Union.

Politicians are in the pockets of the rich. Look at Labor’s record – approving the Flemington Race Course flood wall which protected the gambling industry’s profits – while making the 2022 floods worse for residents. Then selling off public land and housing so private developers can profit. In a wealthy society like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life and own a home.

I’ve been a community organiser and activist for many years. I’ve been involved in campaigns against racism, climate change, and in solidarity with Palestine. Councils should be a place where questions of social justice are raised and acted on.

If elected, I’ll fight for our community and for the better world that we need and deserve – starting with tearing down the flood wall and protecting public housing.