Today’s capitalist society produces inequality, destruction and crisis – and we need socialist politics to tackle these issues.

Hi I’m Colton. I’m running in this year’s council elections as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe that today’s capitalist society produces inequality destruction, and crisis – and we need socialist politics to tackle these issues.

Politicians at all levels of government are in the pockets of the rich, and serve the interests of businesses and property developers before the people they are supposed to represent. Because of this, the rich are getting richer while working people fall behind. Councils have a responsibility to help tackle the urgent issues that matter to ordinary people, like housing and cost of living, not to mention the climate crisis.

I’ve been an activist for issues like refugee rights, LGBTI rights, and against climate change. More recently, I’ve campaigned in solidarity with the people of Palestine and against Israel’s war in Gaza. I believe councils should be a place where questions of social justice are raised and acted on. If elected in October, I’ll fight for a society that’s more sustainable, equitable and just.