I want to be an activist voice on council, fighting against injustice and for a better future for young people like me.

Hi, I’m Ben. I’m a Melbourne council local, a student activist, and a candidate with the Victorian Socialists.

Profits for businesses and landlords keep growing while life gets harder for the rest of us. Politicians should be putting a stop to this but instead they’re all too happy with how things are going. I think society should be based around meeting people’s needs, not extracting more wealth for the rich. Council should support the development of public housing, action on the cost of living change and on the climate crisis.

I’ve been involved in campaigns to free refugees locked up in a hotel in Carlton, for climate action, and against the far right. This year I helped to organise the Deakin University Gaza Solidarity Encampment to stand with Palestine. Melbourne City Council should support social justice issues like these.

I want to be an activist voice on council, fighting against injustice and for a better future for young people like me.