If elected, I’ll fight to make council put residents first, and give us all a say in the decisions that shape our community.

Hi, I’m Angus. I’m running as a candidate with Victorian Socialists in this year’s council election because I believe in a society that puts people before profit.

I’m an Abbotsford local and have lived and worked in Yarra for the last 10 years. I’m a worker in the IT industry and a union member.

Politicians at all levels of government are in the pockets of the rich, and are increasingly out of touch with the people they’re supposed to represent. In a well-off country like Australia, everyone should have the chance to live a decent life. Big business and property developers are turning huge profits, while the rest of us are facing rising rents, stagnant wages, and the price of basic necessities skyrocketing. Councils have a responsibility to be part of turning this situation around, and tackling urgent issues like the housing shortage and cost of living crisis.

I’ve been an activist and community organiser for many years. I’ve been a been a delegate in my workplace and organised union campaigns. I’ve organised protests and campaigns against racism, in solidarity with refugees, and for action on climate change. Recently, I’ve been campaigning in solidarity with the people of Palestine and against Israel’s war in Gaza. Councils should be a place where social justice issues are raised and acted on.

If elected in October, I’ll fight to make council put residents first, and give us all a say in the decisions that shape our community.