Councils need to fight for the rights of workers and tackle urgent issues such as the housing crisis and lack of affordable healthcare.

Hi, I’m Amiriya Dorian. I’m running in this year’s council election as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I believe the major parties offer nothing for ordinary people. We need the Kingston Council to put people before profit.

I’m a student, medical receptionist and hospitality worker. I’m a member of the United Workers Union and believe being a union member is an essential part of fighting for workers’ rights.

Workers’ living conditions have taken the biggest cut in 50 years. People are having to work more for less, and politicians at all levels of government are letting ordinary people get left behind. Councils need to fight for the rights of workers and tackle urgent issues such as the housing crisis and lack of affordable healthcare.

I’ve been a student activist for many years. I’ve been involved in campaigns for climate action, LGBTQI+ rights and recently was one of the organisers of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Monash University. I was one of the nine students faced with disciplinary action for exposing our university’s ties to weapons companies. Councils should be a place where questions of social justice are raised and fought for.

If elected in October, I’ll fight for a world that puts ordinary people first, not the rich.