I believe a more sustainable, equitable and just society is possible. Our representatives should fight for all our futures.

Hi, I’m Allyssa. I’m running for Stonnington Council because I believe a more sustainable, more equitable, more just society is possible.

I’ve been a resident of Malvern East for three years, I’m a renter and a student in the area. As a renter I know the troubles tenants face – from rising cost of living to dealing with greedy landlords, it’s an uphill battle.

I’ve been a student activist fighting for refugee rights and climate justice. I’ve attended and organised protests against climate inaction by both the Liberal and Labor parties. As all young people know, the planet cannot wait.

Neither can refugees. Hundreds of people wait on temporary visas, living in limbo with no access to welfare or aid from our government. That’s why I have been part of protests and campaigns to protect the right of refugees to settle safely in Australia.

Our representatives should fight for all our futures. If elected to the Stonnington Council in October, I’ll fight for yours.