Reem Yunis, Victorian Socialists candidate for Dunkley

Reem Yunis for Dunkley

Palestinian-Australian activist and socialist Reem Yunis will be the Victorian Socialists candidate for the Dunkley by-election, which will take place on Saturday 2 March.

Both Labor and the Liberals have backed Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza. With your help, we will wage a campaign in Dunkley that can hold them to account. A vote for Reem will send a message that instead of backing a mass slaughter of innocent people, the Australian government should take a stand against war and use its diplomatic power to push for justice for the Palestinians and a lasting peace.

In addition to campaigning on the question of Palestine, we will put forward a socialist vision of a society run in the interests of people, not profit. One that prioritises funding for childcare, schools, healthcare, housing and other essentials rather than wasting billions on weapons and war.

How to vote for Reem

How to vote for Reem

How you can help


We want to mail a letter from Reem to every household in the electorate. This will cost a significant amount. Every donation, even small amounts, will mean we can reach more people.

Donate now


We want to staff polling booths with volunteers to hand out our how-to-vote cards and talk to voters. Even if you can only spare a couple of hours, every bit helps!

Sign up to volunteer